Thank you, Janie Smith, for your support!
Dr. Byron Greenberg and I worked together to help law enforcement officers cope with the stressful situations they are exposed to as they serve our communities.
I am honored and humbled to have the friendship and support of such an inspirational leader. Pat is a true friend; I have learned so much from him over the years. The Grand Large of the Fraternal Order of Police is a more outstanding organization because of his leadership.
Thank you, Dennis Collins, for your many years of service to the Commonwealth of Virginia as a Senior Deputy Attorney and for your friendship!
Thank you, Mike Williams, for your support. And thank you for your service in the U.S. Navy and the New York Police Department.
I am very blessed in life to have met Dennis and Marcia. They are extraordinary people who give of themselves to their friends and the community. I am humbled to have the support of such wonderful people.
Brendan Kelly is the son of one of my best friends I have known since I moved to Virginia. I have enjoyed being involved in his life since birth. He is like a son and I'm honored to have his endorsement! He and his brother, Nolan, are active-duty police officers in the Richmond area. I am very proud of them.
Tom Stiles retired from the Chesterfield Police Department as a
Lieutenant and now serves as the National Trustee for the
Virginia Fraternal Order of Police. He represents Virginia on the
National Board of Directors.
Thank you, Tom, for your support and friendship!